Hmm, Hmm, Good: Canadian MP Faces Criticism Over Shark Fin Soup Event

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Hmm, Hmm, Good: Canadian MP Faces Criticism Over Shark Fin Soup Event A Vancouver City Councillor is shaking his head after local conservative MP Alice Wong invited media to watch her slurp up some shark fin soup.

Kerry Jang says even worse, Wong appears to have excluded all major media outlets and instead focused on just one ethnic group.

"You know I can't speak for her, but certainly you know it is very odd to me to simply be holding a Chinese or Asian only press conference.  Clearly it seems to me Alice Wong is not representing all of her constituents and she is simply pandering to a very small special interest group."

Wong also told Asian media shark fins are purchased and imported legally, something Jang takes issue with.

He says it is very clear shark fins acquired under an illegal "fining" technique are making their way into Canada to be used in the Asian delicacy.

Meanwhile, when asked why all media were not made aware of Thursday's press conference, Wong said she's read lots about the issue in Asian media and received lots of calls from people in the Chinese community requesting she clarify where the government stands.

"But we don't exclude the others cause I'm speaking to you, I've spoken to my local media already, I'm now speaking to you and we've already given our lines to CTV.  So whoever wants to talk to me can approach my communications officer, then I'm always available when I'm available."

When asked whether she intended Chinese media to hear her thoughts before other media, Wong said "it just happened that way."

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Tiger sharks, great white sharks and bull sharks are behind most shark attacks on humans. These species live almost everywhere, are large enough that their prey is human size, are powerful enough to inflict a fatal bite and are at the top of the food chain, so they aren't afraid to attack.

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